August 31, 2011

Hurricane Levon

(Levon at home - August 31st, 2011)

So, just as I am getting into the swing of a blog post or two a day, something fantastic happened to our family! Here is a quick run down of the story (I will post the birth story once I get a chance to sit down and write all about it)! I woke up on at 2:30 a.m. on the 28th with a backache and noticed that I was bleeding a little bit. By 3:30 a.m. I was in active labor. Our baby boy was born on August 28th, 2011 at 3:30pm. He was 7lbs 8oz, 20 inches long! I had a short and easy labor that lasted around 11 hours. I pushed for 2. Levon Patrick Alan was born on our bed, in our bedroom, in our home with my awesome, super supportive husband - under the supervision of my two fantastic midwives and my sister.

(Our home birth - August 28th, 2011)

(Levon at the hospital with Momma - August 28th, 2011)

I was able to have about 5 minutes of uninterrupted skin to skin contact with him before the birth became an emergency situation...

Shortly after (about 3 minutes) I gave birth to him, my midwives noticed some excess bleeding. They diagnosed a postpartum hemorrhage and called 911. An ambulance and EMT's arrived shortly thereafter and I was transported to Midcoast Medical for emergency surgery. The cause of my hemorrhage was an inability to deliver my placenta, which was still attached to my uterus. I was put under general anesthesia and had my placenta manually extracted.

(Breastfeeding - August 28th, 2011)

(Levon and Daddy at the hospital - August 28th, 2011)

The whole process took about an hour and a half and I was able to be with my husband and our baby. Thankfully, Levon was able to be in the hospital with us without being admitted. We had to stay at the hospital for monitoring for a day. I was given saline, and an iron drip. I was discharged with no further complications... except for being anemic. I have to take an iron supplement daily and monitor my heart rate and temperature... my heart has been beating steadily between 105-120BPM. So far we have been home for almost 3 days and everything is going perfectly!

(Levon at home - August 31st, 2011)

(Daddy and Levon at home - August 29th, 2011)

(Levon at home - August 31st, 2011)

When I have the drive and energy I will write in detail our birth story.


  1. Congratulations Patrick and Brit! I'm glad to hear that you and baby are healthy considering complications. You guys have a handful, I can attest because we share the same birthday!
    Miss you guys!

    Love Eben

  2. Awe, thanks Eben! Sorry we missed your birthday... ;) We were a little busy.. Happy birthday!!! If Levon shares any traits with you based on birthday, we are in for it... miss you buddy!
