(Levon at home - August 31st, 2011)
So, just as I am getting into the swing of a blog post or two a day, something fantastic happened to our family! Here is a quick run down of the story (I will post the birth story once I get a chance to sit down and write all about it)! I woke up on at 2:30 a.m. on the 28th with a backache and noticed that I was bleeding a little bit. By 3:30 a.m. I was in active labor. Our baby boy was born on August 28th, 2011 at 3:30pm. He was 7lbs 8oz, 20 inches long! I had a short and easy labor that lasted around 11 hours. I pushed for 2. Levon Patrick Alan was born on our bed, in our bedroom, in our home with my awesome, super supportive husband - under the supervision of my two fantastic midwives and my sister.
(Our home birth - August 28th, 2011)
(Levon at the hospital with Momma - August 28th, 2011)
Shortly after (about 3 minutes) I gave birth to him, my midwives noticed some excess bleeding. They diagnosed a postpartum hemorrhage and called 911. An ambulance and EMT's arrived shortly thereafter and I was transported to Midcoast Medical for emergency surgery. The cause of my hemorrhage was an inability to deliver my placenta, which was still attached to my uterus. I was put under general anesthesia and had my placenta manually extracted.
(Breastfeeding - August 28th, 2011)
(Levon and Daddy at the hospital - August 28th, 2011)
(Levon at home - August 31st, 2011)
(Daddy and Levon at home - August 29th, 2011)
(Levon at home - August 31st, 2011)
When I have the drive and energy I will write in detail our birth story.